From their website:
The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network (CZ Biohub Network) and the Stellar Science Foundation (SS-F) invite applications for the Global Science Scholars program, an up to two-year international postdoctoral fellowship program between the U.S. and Japan designed to advance excellence in bioengineering and biomedical research by supporting early-career researchers to advance their careers and conduct groundbreaking science in U.S. and Japanese research labs.
We are seeking to support cutting-edge science in bioengineering and biomedical domains and, in particular, people who are committed to pursuing up to two years of research directed at creating a better future for all by conducting research outside of their degree granting country. We encourage applications from individuals who have recently earned a doctoral degree to conduct research in a world-class lab in Japan or the U.S., respectively. We welcome applicants whose postdoctoral research aspirations align with open positions within the CZ Biohub Network and SS-F research ecosystems.
We encourage applications from researchers who have earned a doctoral degree on or after July 1, 2021 and are interested in pursuing interdisciplinary research at the forefront of biology and technology in a program that builds connections between the U.S. and Japan. The CZ Biohub Network in the U.S. and the SS-F in Japan aim to support scholars in residence for up to two years at a top research university outside of the candidate’s own degree granting country (i.e., Japan or the U.S.).
There are two types of fellowships:
Global Science Scholars in residence in Japan: The postdoctoral fellowship is open to early career applicants who have recently earned their doctoral degree and wish to conduct research activities at a Japanese research institution with selected research leaders (see list). Candidates must have received their doctoral degree on or after July 1, 2021. For placement in Japan, the applicant must have received their undergraduate or doctoral degree from a U.S. degree granting institution, and eligibility for a Japanese visa is required. Funding for the Global Science Scholars in residence in Japan extends only until March 2027, thus the duration of support is up to two years, depending on start date.
Global Science Scholars in residence in the U.S.: The postdoctoral fellowship is open to early-career applicants who have recently earned their doctoral degree and wish to conduct research activities at a CZ Biohub Network partner university (in San Francisco, Chicago or New York areas) with selected research leaders (see list). Candidates must have received their doctoral degree on or after July 1, 2021. For placement in the U.S., the applicant must have received their undergraduate or doctoral degree from a Japanese degree granting institution, and eligibility for a U.S. visa is required. Funding for the Global Science Scholars in residence in the CZ Biohub Network is available for a two-year fellowship.
Applications are being accepted now and on a rolling basis until May 27, 2025 at 3PM PDT, but the application portal may close earlier based on availability of fellowships.
See their website for much more information.