From their website and 2025 Application Form PDF:
The KCC Japan Education Exchange Graduate Fellowships Program was established in 1996 to support qualified PhD graduate students for research or study in Japan. To date we have funded 22 graduate students as they pursued their doctoral degrees. The purpose of the fellowship is to support future American educators who will teach more effectively about Japan. One fellowship of $30,000 will be awarded. Applicants may affiliate with Kobe College (Kobe Jogakuin) for award year, if selected. The majority of our Fellows have gone on to obtain faculty positions at educational institutions in the US, Japan, and the U.K.
Fellowships are for one academic year, nonrenewable, nondeferrable, and are intended to cover both academic and living expenses. One fellowship of $30,000 will be awarded. The payment will be made in two installments. To be eligible, you must be a United States citizen at the time of the award.
KCC Japan Education Exchange will award the fellowship to a graduate student who has a record of effectively increasing awareness and supporting education about Japan, or who shows promise to do so in the future. There are no restrictions as to place of study in Japan, discipline of study, or age of the applicant.
Applicants must
have completed their Ph.D. qualifying examinations and advanced to candidacy
demonstrate research level Japanese language competency
See their website for more information.